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Writing a Simple Parser

Now, let’s try writing a very simple parser. The Scala standard library already comes with a parser-combinators library, so we won’t need to install anything.

We start with a new package and add an import to the parsing library.

package chapter2

import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers

RegexParsers comes with a few handy functions to use regular expressions and string literals that will serve as the basic building blocks for our parser.

We again start with an object, but this time let it extend RegexParsers. A RegexParser skips whitespace characters by default, but for pedagogical purposes, we want to do this ourselves, so we disable the skipping of whitespace by setting the value to false. The override keyword is necessary whenever we override a concrete method or value.

object Parser extends RegexParsers {
  override val skipWhitespace = false

  // insert the rest of the code from this chapter here

Now, we’ll define a parser that recognizes one of the symbols allowed in Scheme identifiers.

  val symbol = regex("[!#$%&|*+/:<=>?@^_~-]".r)

The regex method we inherited from RegexParsers lets us create a parser from a regular expression. Regular expressions can be created with the r method on any String instance. The parser is assigned to the value symbol. The type of symbol is Parser[String], but Scala can figure this out from the regex expression, so we can omit the type. If you prefer to see the types in the source code, you can also write:

  val symbol: Parser[String] = regex("[!#$%&|*+/:<=>?@^_~-]".r)

Let’s define a method to call our parser and handle any possible errors:

  def readExpr(input: String): String = {
    parse(symbol, input) match {
      case Success(res, _)   => "Found value: «"+ res +"»"
      case NoSuccess(msg, _) => "No match: «"   + msg +"»"

As you can see from the type signature, readExpr is a method from a String to a String. We name the parameter input, and pass it, along with the symbol parser we defined above to the method parse.

parse returns a value of type ParseResult[String] and there are exactly two kinds of results we care about: either the parsed String value or an error message. To distinguish between the two possible cases, we use a pattern-matching expression. Pattern matching is similar to C and Java’s switch-case statements, except that you’re not limited to a predefined set of types, but can switch on all types and do much more.

The block with the case statements is a function which transforms a ParseResult into a String, and match applies the function to the result of parse. Pattern matching is often done on algebraic data types because Scala provides a convenient way to deconstruct an object and to bind the object’s components to values. In our code, we bind the result to the name res, which can then be used in the code following the fat arrow. And in the failure case, we bind the message to msg.

  case Success(res, _)   => ... res
  case NoSuccess(msg, _) => ... msg

Don’t worry if you don’t fully understand pattern matching yet. It’s a very powerful feature and we will be using it a lot in this tutorial.

What about the underscore? Success and NoSuccess also provide us with the remainder of the input, but we don’t care about it and ignore it by binding it to _. You will encounter the underscore in various places in Scala. It’s typically used when you don’t want to give something an explicit name, either because you want to ignore it or because an explicit name would not provide any useful additional information.

Finally we also need a main method to be able to run our program!

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

How to run your code depends on your chosen IDE, or you can run your program from the command line. The command line has the benefit that it’s easy to play with different arguments, which can be painful (i.e. needs several UI actions) in an IDE. If you follow this tutorial’s code organization, you should have a directory hierarchy with several class files, similar to this:

~/Write-Yourself-a-Scheme-Code/.target/scala- % tree
├── chapter1
│   ├── HelloWorld.class
│   └── HelloWorld$.class
├── chapter2
│   ├── Parser$$anonfun$10.class
│   ├── Parser.class
│   ├── Parser$.class
│   ├── ...

You can now run your program with scala chapter2.Parser "-". Note that you need to invoke this from the root of your package hierarchy, don’t enter the chapter2 folder.

% scala chapter2.Parser :
Found value: «-»
% scala chapter2.Parser abc
No match: «string matching regex `[!#$%&|*+/:<=>?@^_~-]' expected but `a' found»


Next, we’ll add a series of improvements to our parser that’ll let it recognize progressively more complicated expressions. The current parser chokes if there’s whitespace preceding our symbol:

% scala chapter2.Parser " :"
No match: «string matching regex `[!#$%&|*+/:<=>?@^_~-]' expected but ` ' found»

Let’s fix that, so that we ignore whitespace.

First, lets define a parser that recognizes any number of whitespace characters. Incidentally, this is why we overrode the skipWhitespace val when we derived our parser, because without it our parser would already skip whitespace by itself.

  val space = rep1(" ")

Our space parser simply accepts a non-emtpy sequence of spaces. We also need to adapt our readExpr function to use the parser:

    parse(space ~> symbol, input) match {
      case Success(res, _) => "Found value: «"+ res +"»"
      case NoSuccess(msg, _) => "No match: «"+ msg +"»"

We used the ~> operator to combine the two parsers. ~> attempts to match the first parser, then attempts to match the second with the remaining input, and fail if either fails. The result of the first parser is ignored, that’s why the operator “points” to the second parser.

Compile and run this code. Note that since we defined spaces in terms of rep1, it will no longer recognize a plain old single character. Instead you have to precede a symbol with some whitespace. We’ll see how this is useful shortly:

% scala chapter2.Parser "      %"
Found value: «%»
% scala chapter2.Parser "%"
No match: «` ' expected but `%' found»
% scala chapter2.Parser "     abc"
No match: «string matching regex `[!#$%&|*+/:<=>?@^_~-]' expected but `a' found»

Return Values

Right now, the parser doesn’t do much of anything – it just tells us whether a given string can be recognized or not. Generally, we want something more out of our parsers: we want them to convert the input into a data structure that we can traverse easily. In this section, we learn how to define a data type, and how to modify our parser so that it returns this data type.

First, we need to define a data type that can hold any Lisp value:

abstract class LispVal
case class Atom(name: String) extends LispVal
case class LispList(elems: List[LispVal]) extends LispVal
case class DottedList(elems: List[LispVal], last: LispVal) extends LispVal
case class Number(i: Int) extends LispVal
case class LispString(s: String) extends LispVal
case class Bool(b: Boolean) extends LispVal

This is an example of an algebraic data type: it defines a set of possible values that a variable of type LispVal can hold. Scala models algebraic data types with inherintance: we have a LispVal class and one derived subclass for each of the possible Lisp values our parser will recognize. Our subclasses are not ordinary classes but case classes. In this example, a LispVal can be:

  1. An Atom, which stores a String naming the atom
  2. A LispList, which stores an ordinary Scala List of other LispVals; also called a proper list
  3. A DottedList, representing the Scheme form (a b . c); also called an improper list. This stores a list of all elements but the last, and then stores the last element as another field
  4. A Number, containing a Scala Int
  5. A LispString, containing a Scala String
  6. A Bool, containing a Scala Boolean value

The parameter list following the class name is the parameter list of the primary constructor. You can have several constructors in Scala, but there always needs to be a primary constructor that has to be called eventually. Because we defined our class to be a case class, the Scala compiler will generate several useful methods for us, and most importantly, we can use the classes in pattern matching to access their attributes, which is also where their name comes from.

Next, let’s add a few more parsing functions to create values of these types. A string is a double quote mark, followed by any number of non-quote characters, followed by a closing quote mark:

  val parseString = "\"" ~> rep("[^\"]".r) <~ "\"" map {
    ss: List[String] => LispString(ss.mkString)

Instead of just returning the matched string, we map the Scala String into our own LispString data type. The argument to map is an (anonymous) function (or lambda if you’re coming from C++11), which takes an argument ss of type List[String] and returns a LispString. The mkString method simply concatenates all the single character strings. A case class also acts like a function to create new instances of itself, but you could also have written new LispString(...) instead.

Type inference can also help us to shorten anonymous function expressions; it’s allowed to omit the type annotation of the argument:

  val parseString = "\"" ~> rep("[^\"]".r) <~ "\"" map {
    ss => LispString(ss.mkString)

What type does parseString have? symbol was of type Parser[String], but because we mapped our String to a LispString , parseString is now of type Parser[LispString]. This is an important and recurring concept, so let us repeat it: We start with a Parser[String], and an anonymous function that

takes a String and gives us a LispString (the functions is of type String

using map, and what we end up with is a Parser[LispString].

Now let’s move on to Scheme variables. An atom is a letter or symbol, followed by any number of letters, digits, or symbols:

  val letter = regex("[a-zA-Z]".r)

  val digit = regex("[0-9]".r)

  val parseAtom = (letter | symbol) ~ rep(letter | symbol | digit) map {
    case first ~ rest =>
      val atom = first + rest.mkString
      atom match {
        case "#t" => Bool(true)
        case "#f" => Bool(false)
        case _ => Atom(atom)

The letter and digit parser are straight forward, we simply use a regular expression to do all the work.

Then, we introduce another parser combinator, the choice operator |. This tries the first parser, then if it fails, tries the second. If either succeeds, then it returns the value returned by the succeeding parser.

We also want to get a LispVal, so we have to map the parser’s result. Note that this time, we have to handle the results of two parsers that are combined with ~, we don’t ignore one side of the parser like before. The letter | symbol parser gives us a String, and the rep combinator will result in a List[String]. So to map the result, we need a function of type String ~ List[String] => LispVal.

Now instead of passing just a function to map, we pass a pattern matching expression (the same kind of expression we previously used with match), which allows us to break down the parser result. We bind the result of the first parser to first and the second one to rest.

Once we have read the first character and the rest of the atom, we need to put them together. The val statement defines a new String variable atom.

Then we use a pattern matching expression to determine which LispVal to create and return, matching against the literal strings for true and false. The underscore _ alternative is a readability trick: Scala will try all case clauses or throw an error if none matches. So if the code falls through to the _ case, it always matches, and returns the value of atom.

Finally, we create one more parser, for numbers.

  val parseNumber: Parser[LispVal] = rep1(digit) map {
    n => Number(n.mkString.toInt)

Let’s create a parser that accepts either a string, a number, or an atom:

  val parseExpr: Parser[LispVal] =  parseString | parseNumber | parseAtom

And edit readExpr so it calls our new parser:

 def readExpr(input: String) = {
    parse(parseExpr, input) match {
      case Success(res, _) => "Found value: «"+ res +"»"
      case NoSuccess(msg, _) => "No match: «"+ msg +"»"

Compile and run this code, and you’ll notice that it accepts any number, string, or symbol, but not other input:

% scala chapter2.Parser "\"this is a string\""
Found value: «LispString(this is a string)»
% scala chapter2.Parser 25
Found value: «Number(25)»
% scala chapter2.Parser symbol
Found value: «Atom(symbol)»
% scala chapter2.Parser "(symbol)"
No match: «`"' expected but `(' found»


  1. Change parseNumber to support the Scheme standard for different bases.
  2. Add a Character constructor to LispVal, and create a parser for character literals as described in R5RS.
  3. Add a Float constructor to LispVal, and support R5RS syntax for decimals.
  4. Add data types and parsers to support the full numeric tower of Scheme numeric types.

Recursive Parsers: Adding lists, dotted lists, and quoted datums

Next, we add a few more parser actions to our interpreter. Start with the parenthesized lists that make Lisp famous:

  val parseList = repsep(parseExpr, space) map {
    exprs => LispList(exprs)

The repsep combinator takes two parsers and repeatedly uses parseExpr interleaved with space.

The dotted-list parser is somewhat more complex, but still uses only concepts that we’re already familiar with:

  val parseDottedList = rep1(parseExpr <~ space) ~ ("." ~ space ~> parseExpr) map {
    case head ~ tail => DottedList(head, tail)

With a clever use of ~> and <~ we can get a parser that gives us just the parts we are interested in, which we can then convert to a DottedList.

Next, let’s add support for the single-quote syntactic sugar of Scheme:

  val parseQuoted = "'" ~> parseExpr map {
    expr => LispList(Atom("quote") :: expr :: Nil)

Most of this is fairly familiar stuff: it reads a single quote character, reads an expression and binds it to expr, and then returns a LispList with an additional quote atom. The :: is used to prepend (or “cons” in Lisp terms) the quote atom and the expr to the empty list Nil. We could also have written it like this:

  LispList(List(Atom("quote"), expr))

Finally, edit our definition of parseExpr to include our new parsers:

  val parseExpr: Parser[LispVal] = parseAtom | parseNumber | parseString | parseQuoted |
    "(" ~> (parseDottedList | parseList) <~ ")"

Compile and run this code:

% scala chapter2.Parser "(a test)"        
Found value: «LispList(List(Atom(a), Atom(test)))»
% scala chapter2.Parser "(a (nested) test)"
Found value: «LispList(List(Atom(a), LispList(List(Atom(nested))), Atom(test)))»
% scala chapter2.Parser "(a (dotted . list) test)"
Found value: «LispList(List(Atom(a), DottedList(List(Atom(dotted)),Atom(list)), Atom(test)))»
% scala chapter2.Parser "(a '(quoted (dotted . list)) test)"
Found value: «LispList(List(Atom(a), LispList(List(Atom(quote), 
    LispList(List(Atom(quoted), DottedList(List(Atom(dotted)),Atom(list)))))), Atom(test)))»
% scala chapter2.Parser "(a '(imbalanced parens)"           
No match: «`)' expected but end of source found»

Note that by referring to parseExpr within our parsers, we can nest them arbitrarily deep. Thus, we get a full Lisp reader with only a few definitions. That’s the power of recursion.

In the next chapter, we’re going to write an evaluator!

This tutorial for the Scala programming language is a translation of the excellent Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours tutorial for Haskell.

  1. First Steps: Compiling and Running
  2. Parsing
  3. Evaluation, Part 1
  4. Error Checking and Exceptions
  5. Evaluation, Part 2
  6. ...

Write yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours as well as this tutorial are both licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License:

Creative Commons License

The complete code of this website as well as all the source code used in the tutorial are available on GitHub. Feel free to fork and improve them. Have fun!

Mirko Stocker