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Error Checking and Exceptions

Currently, there are a variety of places within the code where we either ignore errors or silently assign “default” values like #f or 0 that make no sense. Some languages – like Perl and PHP – get along fine with this approach. However, it often means that errors pass silently throughout the program until they become big problems, which means rather inconvenient debugging sessions for the programmer. We’d like to signal errors as soon as they happen and immediately break out of execution.

We start with a fresh package and import the contents of Chapter 2:

package chapter4

import chapter2._

To represent the various different errors our program can encounter, we first define a new data type:

abstract class LispError
case class NumArgs(num: Int, args: List[LispVal]) extends LispError
case class TypeMismatch(expected: String, actual: LispVal) extends LispError
case class ParseError(message: String) extends LispError
case class BadSpecialForm(message: String, form: LispVal) extends LispError
case class NotFunction(message: String, func: String) extends LispError
case class UnboundVar(message: String, varname: String) extends LispError
case class Default(message: String) extends LispError

This is a few more constructors than we need at the moment, but we might as well forsee all the other things that can go wrong in the interpreter later.

Just like in the previous chapters, the rest of this chapter’s program will all be put into an Evaluator object. Next, we define how to print out the various types of errors:

object Evaluator {

  def showError(le: LispError): String = le match {
    case UnboundVar(message, varname) =>
      message + ": " + varname
    case BadSpecialForm(message, form) =>
      message + ": " + showVal(form)
    case NotFunction(message, func) =>
      message + ": " + func
    case NumArgs(expected, found) =>
      "Expected " + expected + " args; found values " + unwordsList(found)
    case TypeMismatch(expected, found) =>
      "Invalid type: expected " + expected + ", found " ++ showVal(found)
    case ParseError(message) =>
      "Parse error at " + message
    case Default(message) =>

We can reuse the showVal and unwordsList functions from the last chapter, so either copy their definitions to the new Evaluator or import them (before the definition of showError):

import chapter3.Evaluator.{showVal, unwordsList}

Then we define a type to represent functions that may throw a LispError or return a value:

  type ThrowsError[T] = Either[LispError, T]

In Scala, we use the Either type to represent a value of two possible types. So an Either[String, Int] can hold a single value of either type String or Int. To create an instance of such an Either, we use the Left and Right constructors: Left("someString") or Right(42).

Either also defines several useful methods to transform and extract the value it contains. For example, the fold method takes two functions and, if it’s an instance of Left, applies the first function to the value it contains or if it’s a Right it applies the second one.

scala> val e: Either[String, Int] = Left("42")
e: Either[String,Int] = Left("42")

scala> e.fold(s => s.toInt, i => i * 2)
res0: Int = 42

If we only want to transform one type of value and keep the result inside an Either, we can use the left and right methods to “focus” on one side and then map the value to something else:

scala> => s + s)
res1: Either[String,Int] = Left("4242")

scala> => s * 2)
res2: Either[String,Int] = Left("42")

In the second case, the result hasn’t changed because it’s not an instance of Right.

In our improved evaluator, many operations will either successfully result in a LispVal or fail with a LispError. To make our code more readable, we introduced the ThrowsError type which fixes the first (left) type of Either to LispError and keeps the second (right) type variable.

Now that we have all the basic infrastructure, it’s time to start using our error-handling types. Remember how our parser had previously just returned a String saying “No match ..” on an error? Let’s change it so that it wraps and returns the original parse errror:

  def readExpr(input: String): ThrowsError[LispVal] = {
    import Parser._
    parse(parseExpr, input) match {
      case Success(res, _) =>
      case NoSuccess(msg, _) =>

Here, we first wrap the original error’s message with the LispError constructor Parser and then wrap it up again in a Left instance. Since readExpr now returns a ThrowsError[LispVal], we also need to wrap the success case in a Right.

Next, we change the type signature of eval to return a ThrowsError value, adjust the return values accordingly, and add a clause at the end to throw an error if we encounter a pattern that we don’t recognize:

  def eval(lv: LispVal): ThrowsError[LispVal] = lv match {
    case v @ LispString(_) => Right(v)
    case v @ Number(_) => Right(v)
    case v @ Bool(_) => Right(v)
    case LispList(Atom("quote") :: v :: Nil) => Right(v)
    case LispList(Atom(func) :: args) =>

      def evalArg(lv: LispVal, acc: ThrowsError[List[LispVal]]) = {
        eval(lv).right.flatMap { lv =>
 => lv :: lvs)

      val acc: ThrowsError[List[LispVal]] = Right(Nil)

      val evaluatedArgs = args.foldRight(acc)(evalArg)

      evaluatedArgs.right.flatMap(args => apply(func, args))

    case badForm =>
      Left(BadSpecialForm("Unrecognized special form", badForm))

Since the function application clause calls eval (which now returns an Either value) recursively, we need to change that clause. First, we want to evaluate the arguments, and then apply them to the function. If one of the argument fails to evaluate, we return that failure, if all the arguments evaluate correctly, the result will be a List[LispVal] of the evaluated arguments.

We start with a helper function evalArg that takes a LispVal and an accumulator acc to which it simply prepends (::) the evaluated argument. If eval(lv) returns a failure, this will also be the return value of the method. So if we have a Right, that is, the argument evaluated successfully, then we want to prepend it to our result list. Now the problem is that the acc might already have failed, meaning that we only want to prepend our evaluated argument if acc is not a failure, so we again need to use the trick to get at the underlying list.

Note that we need to use flatMap instead of map in eval(lv).right.flatMap. In addition to map, flatMap “flattens” the result. Remember that map transforms the value inside the Right container, so if the result of an operation is again a ThrowsError[LispVal], the result of the map will be a ThrowsError[ThrowsError[LispVal]]. flatMap prevents this by flattening the result into a ThrowsError[LispVal].

(Hint: if you are having trouble understanding the code, try to introduce some vals and annotate them with their types.)

With this helper function, we can now simply fold the arguments with an empty list as a starting point:

      val acc: ThrowsError[List[LispVal]] = Right(Nil)

      val evaluatedArgs = args.foldRight(acc)(evalArg)

Finally, we can apply the function to the evaluated arguments:

      evaluatedArgs.right.flatMap(args => apply(func, args))

Again, we use flatMap because after the next step, apply will also return a ThrowsError[LispVal].

  def apply(funName: String, lvs: List[LispVal]): ThrowsError[LispVal] = {
    val fun = primitives.get(funName)
    val result = => f(lvs))
    result.getOrElse(Left(NotFunction("Unrecognized primitive function args", funName)))

We didn’t wrap the result of the function application f(lvs) in a Right, because we’re about to change the type of our primitives, so that the function returned from the lookup itself returns a ThrowsError action:

  val primitives: Map[String, List[LispVal] => ThrowsError[LispVal]] = Map(
    "+" -> numericBinop((x, y) => x + y),
    "-" -> numericBinop((x, y) => x - y),
    "*" -> numericBinop((x, y) => x * y),
    "/" -> numericBinop((x, y) => x / y),
    "remainder" -> numericBinop((x, y) => x % y)

And, of course, we need to change the numericBinop function that implements these primitives so it returns an error if there’s only one argument. And, to make our program complete, unpackNum also needs to change, after all, unpacking a number could fail as well. Let’s do unpackNum first:

  def unpackNum(lv: LispVal): ThrowsError[Int] = lv match {
    case Number(n) =>
    case LispString(s) if s.matches("\\d+") =>
    case LispList(List(lv)) =>
    case notNum =>
      Left(TypeMismatch("number", notNum))

Now to numericBinop: if there’s only a single argument, we return a NumArgs error, otherwise we unpack all the arguments and reduce them. Similar to our new eval method, numericBinop now also needs to handle failures in unpackNum. We take a slightly different approach here and pattern-match on the two ThrowsError[Int] values, and apply op if we get two Right values. In all other cases, we simply return an error wrapped in Left.

  def numericBinop(op: (Int, Int) => Int)(args: List[LispVal]): ThrowsError[LispVal] = {
    args match {
      case singleVal @ List(_) =>
        Left(NumArgs(2, singleVal))
      case args =>
        def reduce(fst: ThrowsError[Int], snd: ThrowsError[Int]): ThrowsError[Int] = {
          (fst, snd) match {
            case (Right(n1), Right(n2)) =>
              Right(op(n1, n2))
            case (Left(error), _) =>
            case (_, Left(error)) =>
        } => Number(n))

If you you prefer the approach, then this is how the body of reduce would look like:

fst.right.flatMap(n1 => => op(n1, n2)))

The result of is a ThrowsErrorInt, but we need a ThrowsErrorLispVal, so we have to wrap the value in Right in a Number constructor.

Once you feel comfortable working with either and its map and flatMap methods, you can use Scala’s syntactic sugar for sequence comprehensions, which makes nested flatMap and map calls much more readable:

  for {
    n1 <- fst.right
    n2 <- snd.right
  } yield op(n1, n2)

This behaves exactly the same as the fst.right.flatMap .. call from above.

Finally, we need to change our main function to correctly handle all the ThrowsError values. The procedure should be familiar by now: “focus” on the success-value and map it.

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val expr = readExpr(args(0))
    val evaluated = expr.right.flatMap(eval)
    val result =

The type of result is ThrowsError[String], but we need a String to be able to print it. By mapping the left LispError to a String, we get an Either[String, String], which we can merge to a simple String.

Compile and run the new code, and try throwing it a couple errors:

% scala chapter4.Evaluator "(+ 2 \"two\")"
Invalid type: expected number, found "two"
% scala chapter4.Evaluator "(+ 2)"
Expected 2 args; found values 2
% scala chapter4.Evaluator "(what? 2)"
Unrecognized primitive function args: what?


  1. Go through this chapter’s code and use sequence comprehensions where possible.

This tutorial for the Scala programming language is a translation of the excellent Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours tutorial for Haskell.

  1. First Steps: Compiling and Running
  2. Parsing
  3. Evaluation, Part 1
  4. Error Checking and Exceptions
  5. Evaluation, Part 2
  6. ...

Write yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours as well as this tutorial are both licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License:

Creative Commons License

The complete code of this website as well as all the source code used in the tutorial are available on GitHub. Feel free to fork and improve them. Have fun!

Mirko Stocker